2021-10-13 11:56

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Time To Say It: COVID-19 Is Airborne!

Union Safety Reps are fully aware that the Covid19 virus is airborne, yet the media, employers and the Government; do not seem to be convinced andd would rather ignore this aspect of the pandemic, purely because of their perception that it would cost more to the economy and businesses to act accordingly and utelise good ventilation systems and practises in the workplace and at home.

Image: Covid 19 Zoom meetingHazards Campaign in the UK have emailed their members and supporters about an upcoming event in the form of a Zoom Meeting hosted in Canada. Here is the press release giving the detail:

Despite the scientific evidence that COVID-19 is airborne, public health messages and practices are operating on the basis of outdated science.

It’s time to say it and act on it: Covid-19 is airborne!

An online forum, hosted in Windsor-Essex and open to participants globally, will feature two Canadian experts outlining the evidence that COVID-19 is airborne and will inform us what is needed in health care, schools, workplaces and more to prevent the transmission of the virus.

David Fisman, M.D., MPH, FRCPC, will talk about the scientific evidence of airborne transmission and David Elfstrom, P.Eng, CEM, CMVP, will tell us how to identify and rectify poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

The webinar will be moderated by Jane McArthur, Ph.D.

Where: Zoom
Date: Monday, December 6th
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Registration here: https://covidisairborne.eventbrite.ca

Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Medical Officer of Health, acknowledged the aerosol spread of COVID-19 and noted the need for improved ventilation and secure fitting masks. We need to hear all our health and institutional leaders giving the same messages on the basis of the most current evidence.

Occupational and environmental health researcher Dr. Jim Brophy said:

“Prevention is possible. This webinar will be a source of education on the science of airborne transmission, help shift the messages about how COVID-19 is transmitted, and reveal strategies to prevent spread using a layered approach to COVID-19 prevention.”

The event is organized by WOW (Windsor-Essex on Watch) and Windsor-Essex Chapter of The Council of Canadians

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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